With seven universities located in the territory, Tuscany has a rich and varied educational offer that attracts students from all over Italy and abroad every year.

The University of Florence has its origins in the Studium Generale that the Florentine Republic created in 1321: one of its professors was Giovanni Boccaccio, who gave lectures on the Divine Comedy. Today it is one of Italy’s largest research and higher education institutions, with 1,800 lecturers and researchers, about 1,600 technical and administrative staff, and over 1,600 PhD students and research fellows. The University’s faculties are located in various parts of the city and even beyond the urban area, with the science campus of Sesto Fiorentino and the campuses of Empoli and Calenzano. Teaching activities are decentralised in Prato and Pistoia.
See the entire range of courses on offer here: www.unifi.it

The University of Pisa was officially founded on 3 September 1343 when Pope Clement VI, with the bull “In supremae dignitatis” issued in Villanova near Avignon, granted the Studio Pisano the status of Studium Generale with the teachings of theology, canonical and civil law, medicine “et qualibet alia licita facultate”.
Today the University has 20 departments, about 1500 lecturers and 1600 technical and administrative staff and an educational offer that includes 59 first level degree courses, 68 second level degree courses, 34 doctoral courses and 56 master’s degrees.
See the entire range of courses on offer here: www.unipi.it

The University of Siena has a rich history and a great tradition of knowledge, while at the same time engaged in research and innovation. Over eight centuries, it has produced knowledge in every field of study and is today one of the Italian universities with the highest innovative results in research, teaching and services.
The University of Siena’s history has developed alongside the cultural traditions of Tuscany, starting from the Middle Ages. The first document found is a podestarile decree dated 26 December 1240 and reveals the particular legal model of the University of Siena, which was based on the direct organisation of the Municipality. The university has three detached campuses: Arezzo, Grosseto and San Giovanni Valdarno.
See the entire range of courses on offer here: www.unisi.it

The Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa was founded by Napoleon, who with the decree of 18 October 1810, relating to “public education establishments” in Tuscany – a province of the French Empire since 1807 – set up an “Academic Residence” for university students in Pisa.
The Normale has a series of founding principles: students are selected exclusively on the basis of merit, studies and the collegiate system are totally free of charge, there is a deep integration between teaching and research, community life, and great openness to international exchanges. Successful applicants undertake to follow both the teachings given in Normale and the corresponding courses of study at the University of Pisa. The educational offer is divided into two tracks, the ordinary level (corresponding to Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree) and the advanced level course (PhD). The Scuola Normale is divided into two Faculties and a Department: the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, the Faculty of Science (based in Pisa) and the Department of Political and Social Studies (based in Florence).
See the entire range of courses on offer here: www.sns.it

The Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna was founded at the end of the eighteenth century, when Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo of Lorraine established the “Conservatorio di Sant’Anna” in Pisa in 1785 in order to take care of “the education of young people of civilised condition”. It is a public university institute with a special status, which operates in the field of applied sciences: Economics and Management, Law, Political Science, Agricultural Science and Plant Biotechnology, Medical Science and Industrial and Information Engineering. Admission to the Sant’Anna courses is obtained by passing a public examination; every year, the School issues a competition notice indicating the number of places available and the selection procedures. The University also has six research institutes: the Institute of BioRobotics, the Institute of Law, Politics and Development, the Institute of Economics, the Institute of Management, the Institute of Life Sciences and the Institute of Communication, Information and Perception Technology.
See the entire range of courses on offer here: www.santannapisa.it

The University for Foreigners of Siena is located in a city that represents the essence of Italian culture and civilisation in the world. The first Italian language professorship for German students was established in Siena in 1588; the first courses in Italian language and culture after the unification of Italy were held in Siena in 1917. The University for Foreigners of Siena has inherited this centuries-old tradition of teaching Italian by taking on this mission: to spread the Italian language and culture while at the same time opening up to the languages and cultures of others in a globalised world. Italian and foreign students can enrol in the courses of bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, specialisation school and teaching skills certifications. The Italian language and culture courses are intended for foreigners, who can also take the exams for the certification of Italian as a foreign language.
See the entire range of courses on offer here: www.unistrasi.it