The webinar “The importance of interoperability for public accountability and policy support: the experience of ontology on Higher Education, Research and Innovation” was scheduled for Monday, November 9th.

The webinar, which is part of the Internet Festival’s online program, is organised by the Agency for Digital Italy – AgID and the Tuscany Region to stress the importance of semantic web tools to promote the integration and interoperability of open data to support public policies, both to promote better accountability and transparency and to support advanced analysis, monitoring and programming tools.

The webinar – scheduled from 10 to 12 – was dedicated to an audience interested both in the field of open government and in the specific field of higher education, research and innovation policies.

The collaboration between two public administrations (Tuscany Region and AgID) for the creation of a standard ontology on Higher Education, Research and Innovation was discussed during the two-hour webinar.

Starting from the specific experience of the Toscana Open Research platform, in the context of the Tuscan Regional Observatory for Research and Innovation, a collaboration was initiated which led to the development of the first ontological model aligned with OntoPIA standards, in this area. The webinar not only aimed to present and discuss the results obtained, but, above all, to shed light on the opportunities for collaboration and the potential for analysis deriving from the experimented approach.

This is the schedule of speakers.

  • AgID’s Three-Year Plan. Strategy tips. Gabriele Ciasullo (AgID)
  • From Open Data to Linked Open Data. A trend or real added value? Davide Bruno (Tuscany Region) and Giorgia Lodi (AgID)
  • The ToscanaOpenResearch (TOR) project: the need to integrate in order to know. Lorenzo Bacci (Tuscany Region)
  • The OntoPIA project: the Knowledge Graph of the Italian PA. Giorgia Lodi (AgID)
  • When the PA collaborates: ontology on higher education, research and innovation. Giorgia Lodi (AgID), Davide Bruno (Tuscany Region) and Francesco Multari (SIRIS Academic)
  • From integration to use: data viewing and business intelligence tools. Luca Cipriani (Tuscany Region) and Annamaria Donnarumma (SIRIS Academic)

For information and registration: