The webinar organised by the Agency for Digital Italy – AgID and the Region of Tuscany was held on-line on Monday, November 9th and investigated the importance of semantic web tools to promote the integration and interoperability of open data in support of public policies, both to promote better accountability and transparency, and to support advanced analysis, monitoring and programming tools.

The collaboration between two public administrations (Tuscany Region and AgID) for the creation of a standard ontology on Higher Education, Research and Innovation was discussed during the two-hour webinar.

Starting from the specific experience of the Toscana Open Research platform, in the context of the Tuscan Regional Observatory for Research and Innovation, a collaboration was initiated which led to the development of the first ontological model aligned with OntoPIA standards, in this area.

Below is the list of webinar speakers whose speeches can be viewed in pdf format.

  • Il Piano Triennale di AgID. Spunti di carattere strategico. Gabriele Ciasullo (AgID)
  • Dagli Open Data ai Linked Open DataUna moda o un reale valore aggiunto?  Davide Bruno (Tuscany Region) – speech A – and Giorgia Lodi (AgID) – speech B –
  • Il progetto ToscanaOpenResearch (TOR): la necessità di integrare per conoscere.  Lorenzo Bacci (Tuscany Region)
  • Il progetto OntoPIA:  il Knowledge Graph della PA Italiana. Giorgia Lodi (AgID)
  • Quando la PA collabora: l’ontologia sull’alta formazione, la ricerca e l’innovazione. Giorgia Lodi (AgID), Davide Bruno (Tuscany Region) – speech A – and Francesco Multari (SIRIS Academic) – presentazione B –
  • Dall’integrazione alla fruizione: gli strumenti di data visualisation e business intelligence. Luca Cipriani (RT) and Annamaria Donnarumma (SIRIS Academic)
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